


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.2 材料・機器光学

[17a-P1-1~9] 3.2 材料・機器光学

2017年3月17日(金) 09:30 〜 11:30 P1 (展示ホールB)

09:30 〜 11:30

[17a-P1-5] 液晶レンズ測定システム

陳 曉西1、李 其昌2、王 思聡1、〇葉 茂1 (1.電科大、2.成都微晶)


A liquid crystal (LC) lens driven by two voltages of several volt has been proposed. For there is a resistive film in the cell, the properties of the lens are determined by not only the amplitudes V1 and V2, but also the frequency f of the voltages. The optical power and the aberrations of the LC lens are generally measured by interferometry. One has to analyze a huge amount of data to find out the optimal combinations of the three parameters V1, V2, and f to ensure the lens to have the tunable focus range as wide, and the aberrations as low as possible. In this work, we report an interference system for rapidly measuring and analyzing the properties of an LC lens.