


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.1 光学基礎・光学新領域

[18p-231C-1~19] 3.1 光学基礎・光学新領域

2018年9月18日(火) 13:15 〜 18:30 231C (3Fラウンジ1)

小澤 祐市(東北大)、田中 嘉人(東大)、居波 渉(静岡大)

15:15 〜 15:30

[18p-231C-8] Surface Plasmon Enhanced Optical Torque between Twisted Nanorods

Anan Wu1、Yoshito Tanaka1,2、Ryoma Fukuhara1、Tsutomu Shimura1 (1.IIS, The Univ. of Tokyo、2.JST PRESTO)

キーワード:optical torque, plasmon coupling

Plasmon coupling between two metal nanoparticles depends on their interparticle separation and enhances the electromagnetic (EM) field in the nanogap, resulting in the enhancement of their interaction optical force. In general, optical force is induced by the linear momentum transfer between light and matter. Meanwhile, the light-matter interaction also can produce optical torque due to the transfer of angular momentum. Here, we have studied, for the first time, an interaction optical torque between twisted metal nanorods using electromagnetic simulation and revealed that the optical torque can be strongly enhance by plasmon coupling.