13:30 〜 15:30
▲ [18p-PB1-12] Dynamics of Skyrmions in a Frustrated Magnetic Film Driven by Spin Currents
キーワード:skyrmion, spin dynamics, micromagnetics
The magnetic skyrmion is an exotic and versatile topological object in condensed matter physics, which promises novel applications in electronic and spintronic devices. Recently, a rich phase diagram of an anisotropic frustrated magnet and properties of frustrated skyrmions with arbitrary vorticity and helicity were investigated. Other remarkable physical properties of skyrmions in the frustrated magnetic system have also been studied theoretically. Here, we explore the skyrmion dynamics in a frustrated magnet based on the J1-J2-J3 classical Heisenberg model explicitly by including the dipole-dipole interaction. The skyrmion energy acquires a helicity dependence due to the dipole-dipole interaction, resulting in the current-induced translational motion with a fixed helicity. The lowest-energy states are the degenerate Bloch-type states, which can be used for building the binary memory. By increasing the driving current, the helicity locking-unlocking transition occurs, where the translational motion changes to the rotational motion. Furthermore, we demonstrate that two skyrmions can spontaneously form a bound state. The separation of the bound state forced by a driving current is also studied. In addition, we show the annihilation of a pair of skyrmion and antiskyrmion. Our results reveal the distinctive frustrated skyrmions may enable new applications.