


12 有機分子・バイオエレクトロニクス » 12.5 有機太陽電池

[19a-432-1~12] 12.5 有機太陽電池

2018年9月19日(水) 09:00 〜 12:15 432 (432)

松島 敏則(九大)、白井 康裕(物材機構)

11:15 〜 11:30

[19a-432-9] Fabrication of Lead-free (CH3NH3)3Bi2I9 Solar Cell
Using Anti-Solvent Engineering Treatment

〇(M1)Chingmei Ho1、ShunHsiang Chan1、MingChung Wu1 (1.Chang Gung Univ.)

キーワード:lead-free perovskite solar cells, bismuth-based perovskite, solvent engineering

Lead-based perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have exhibited very promising properties for application in photovoltaic technology. However, the toxicity of lead and poor stability hamper the commercialization of PSCs. Here, we synthesize lead-free perovskite photovoltaic devices by one-step solution spin-coating method. The photovoltaic properties of (CH3NH3)3Bi2I9 perovskite PSCs are also investigated by fabricating with and without the anti-solvent treatment. With anti-solvent treatment, the short-circuit current density (JSC) and the open-circuit voltage (VOC) of PSCs slightly increased from 0.32 to 0.51 mA/cm2 and 0.55 to 0.66 V, respectively. The PCE of bismuth-based perovskite with anti-solvent treatment has improved from 0.07% to 0.24%, which is 70.83% higher than the PSCs without anti-solvent treatment. In this study, the bismuth-based perovskite shows promising properties in solar cells.