


9 応用物性 » 9.2 ナノワイヤ・ナノ粒子

[19p-221A-1~18] 9.2 ナノワイヤ・ナノ粒子

2018年9月19日(水) 13:15 〜 18:15 221A (221-1)

長島 一樹(九大)、石川 史太郎(愛媛大)

13:30 〜 13:45

[19p-221A-2] 自己触媒法で作製した垂直InPナノワイヤの配列

章 国強1,2、舘野 功太1,2、俵 毅彦1,2、後藤 秀樹1 (1.NTT物性研、2.NTTナノフォトセンタ)


Here we report systematic study on vertical growth of site-controlled InP nanowires by self-catalyzed VLS mode. we have clarified the flow rate and deposition time of indium particles are key parameters to realize vertical growth of site-controlled InP nanowires. We have further developed two-step growth process consisting of nucleation and high-growth-rate steps to improve growth efficiency.