


シンポジウム » 日韓ジョイントシンポ:ワイドバンドギャップ半導体デバイス

[19p-CE-1~4] 日韓ジョイントシンポ:ワイドバンドギャップ半導体デバイス

2018年9月19日(水) 13:00 〜 14:45 CE (センチュリーホール)

久保 俊晴(名工大)

14:00 〜 14:30

[19p-CE-3] Classical and Quantum Light Generation from GaN-based Semiconductor Nanostructures

Yong-Hoon Cho1 (1.Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST))

キーワード:GaN-based semiconductors, white LEDs, quantum photonics

We present broad-band and white light generation, effective single photon generation, and exciton-polariton formation at room temperature by using GaN-based quantum structures grown on various three-dimensional GaN templates First, we present phosphor-free broad-band and white-color light emission using three-dimensional GaN-based structures. Second, we demonstrated effective single photon generation from site-controlled singe quantum dots (QDs) formed on the apex of pyramidal GaN structures, leading to strong spontaneous emission enhancement of QDs over a wide spectral range even at near room temperature. Finally, we observed room-temperature exciton-polariton condensates and photonic lasing from single hexagonal GaN core and GaN/InGaN core-shell microrod structures. These approaches overcome the major hurdles in the implementation of practical solid-state classical and quantum photonic devices.