


4 JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2018 » 4.8 Quantum Optics and Nonlinear Optics

[20a-211B-1~8] 4.8 Quantum Optics and Nonlinear Optics

2018年9月20日(木) 09:00 〜 11:45 211B (211-2)

庄司 一郎(中央大)、平野 琢也(学習院大)

09:45 〜 10:00

[20a-211B-3] Analysis of pulse trapping of continuous wave in nonlinear optical loop mirror and all-optical switching

Eiji Shiraki1、Beta Noda1、Norihiko Nishizawa2 (1.NIT, Gifu college、2.Nagoya Univ.)

キーワード:Nonlinear optics, ultrashort pulse, optical fiber

When a nonlinear optical phenomenon of pulse trapping in birefringent fiber is induced, two orthogonally polarized ultrashort pulses trap each other due to cross-phase modulation. A continuous-wave (cw) beam is also trapped by an ultrashort pulse using the pulse trapping. A nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM) is useful for all-optical control techniques. We had demonstrated all-optical sampling of ps pulse using the pulse trapping in the NOLM. In this paper, we investigated the pulse trapping in the NOLM between a cw beam and an ultrashort pulse both experimentally and numerically. We demonstrated the all-optical switching of the cw beam by the ultrashort pulse. According to the numerical result, a pulse was obtained at the NOLM output. The temporal width of the output pulse was 700 fs and the peak power was 0.59 mW when the input power of the cw beam was 1 mW.