


4 JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2018 » 4.8 Quantum Optics and Nonlinear Optics

[20a-211B-1~8] 4.8 Quantum Optics and Nonlinear Optics

2018年9月20日(木) 09:00 〜 11:45 211B (211-2)

庄司 一郎(中央大)、平野 琢也(学習院大)

10:00 〜 10:15

[20a-211B-4] Mitigation of Nonlinear Impairment by Using Digital Back Propagation
In Digital Coherent Optical Non-Repeatered Transmission System

〇(D)zhang xin1、Yasuhiro Aoki1 (1.Saitama Inst. Tech.)

キーワード:nonlinear fiber optics, digital back propagation

We have theoretically evaluated transmission property and bit error rate (BER) performance of 120Gbps DP-16QAM digital coherent signals, with and without nonlinear compensation by means of the digital back propagation. In case of single channel transmission, the maximum input power set by the fiber nonlinearity could be increased as large as 2.0 dB by using the nonlinear compensation. The improvement has been reduced to 0.6dB in DWDM transmission systems due to disturbance from neighboring DWDM channels.