


4 JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2018 » 4.2 Photonics Devices, Photonic Integrated Circuit and Silicon Phonics

[20a-PB7-1~4] 4.2 Photonics Devices, Photonic Integrated Circuit and Silicon Phonics

2018年9月20日(木) 09:30 〜 11:30 PB (白鳥ホール)

09:30 〜 11:30

[20a-PB7-1] Improvement in the Description of the First DBR-LED and a Proposal of Solution Growth for an Ideal LED

〇(PC)Hiromoto Susawa1,2 (1.The Originator of DBR-LED、2.Ex-Nagoya Inst. of Technolo.)

キーワード:DBR-LED, light output, growth

DBR-LED was invented in 1989 as an application of MOVPE. This invention was granted patents [1]. The present paper improves the description of the first English paper on this invention for the reference in developing LEDs. The output of DBR-LEDs was 1.6 times of that of the LEDs without the DBRs, as first publicly reported in the world [2].
In this origination, the efficiency of LEDs with solution growth was higher than that of the DBR-LEDs. Then, the author proposes solution growth for the fabrication of LEDs. When poorly soluble solutes are included, the growth is impossible (e.g., red LEDs). Then, the author begins from establishing mathematical basis [3] for the systematic approaches, exceeding one discipline.
[1] T. Kato, H. Susawa and T. Saka, (1992) US5132750.
[2] H. Susawa, M. Hirotani and T. Kato, The 50th Japan of Society Applied Physics Autumn Meeting (1989) 28p-ZB-10 [In Japanese].
[3] H. Susawa, Proc. 4th International Forum on Heat Transfer, (2016) IFHT2016-1881.