


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.4 生体・医用光学

[20p-PB6-1~10] 3.4 生体・医用光学

2018年9月20日(木) 16:00 〜 18:00 PB (白鳥ホール)

16:00 〜 18:00

[20p-PB6-2] 光コヒレンス断層画像法によるキノコの短時間での構想変化の非接続計測

ラジャゴパラン ウママヘスワリ1、船田 昂佑2、Lim Yiheng2、Xu Lijing3、門野 博史2 (1.芝浦工大SIT総合研、2.埼玉大、3.ShanxiAgri.Univ.)


Mushrooms are becoming popular because of their health benefits and they have been investigated for their role as functional foods. The shelf life of mushrooms has been the object of study by near infrared spectroscopy methods. OCT has been demonstrated recently over a duration of two weeks and but no investigation has been done over duration of a few hours. Here, a spectral domain OCT has been used to monitor structural changes in white shimeji mushrooms at every hour.