


4 JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2018 » 4.3 Ultrafast Optics and Photonics

[21a-221B-1~7] 4.3 Ultrafast Optics and Photonics

2018年9月21日(金) 09:45 〜 11:45 221B (221-2)

板谷 治郎(東大)

10:15 〜 10:30

[21a-221B-2] Characterization and shaping of over-octave-spanning infrared (1.0-2.2 um) spectrum

〇(P)Yuchieh Lin1、Yasuo Nabekawa1、Katsumi Midorikawa1 (1.Attosecond Science Research Team of RAP center in RIKEN)

キーワード:pulse characterization

In this work, we report, to the best of our knowledge, the first application of extended ptychographic iterative algorithm and cross-correlation frequency-resolved optical gating technique to characterize an over-octave-spanning IR spectrum ranging from 1.0-2.2 µm, which can form a single-cycle pulse under the transform-limit condition. Based on the retrieved parameters, we further employ a pulse-shaping technique by two acousto-optic programmable dispersive filters to compensate the large dispersion of the resulting spectrum.