


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.5 レーザー装置・材料

[17p-B403-1~17] 3.5 レーザー装置・材料

2018年3月17日(土) 13:15 〜 18:00 B403 (53-403)

鈴木 将之(愛知医大)、佐藤 庸一(分子研)、宇野 和行(山梨大)

16:30 〜 16:45

[17p-B403-12] Single-crystal Intermediate Laser Coating (SILC)

Lihe Zheng1、Takunori TAIRA1 (1.IMS)

キーワード:Laser induced Damage Threshold, High intensity laser, Surface Activated Boding

The laser induced damage threshold (LiDT) fluence of coating on single crystal is approved with one order higher enhancement as compared with that on polycrystalline ceramics. The new coating solution named Single-crystal Intermediate Laser Coating (SILC) is successfully realized to enhance the LiDT of coating on ceramics opening a brand new research field for high-field laser.