


10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス » 10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス(ポスター)

[17p-P10-1~93] 10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス(ポスター)

2018年3月17日(土) 16:00 〜 18:00 P10 (ベルサール高田馬場)

16:00 〜 18:00

[17p-P10-56] Electric Field Induced Magnetization Reversal Using Multiferroic BiFeO3 Epitaxial Thin Films Grown on (001)-SrTiO3 Substrates

〇(D)Tomohiro Ichinose1、Hiroshi Naganuma1、Mikihiko Oogane1、Yasuo Ando1 (1.Tohoku Univ.)

キーワード:Multiferroic, Bismuth Ferrite, Magnetoelectric Effect

Electric field induced magnetization reversal has been demonstrated in multiferroic BiFeO3 films with stripe-domain grown on DyScO3. In principle, the magnetization reversal could be realized regardless of domain structures; however, there is no reports using BiFeO3 with multi-domain. In this work, electric field induced magnetization reversal using BiFeO3 films with multi-domain grown on SrTiO3 was observed.