The 65h JSAP Spring Meeting, 2018

Presentation information

Poster presentation

9 Applied Materials Science » 9.5 New functional materials and new phenomena

[18a-P5-1~11] 9.5 New functional materials and new phenomena

Sun. Mar 18, 2018 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM P5 (P)

9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

[18a-P5-3] Dielectric constant behavior in 0.7BaTiO3-0.3Pr0.65Ca0.35MnO3 core shell under magnetic field

Osami Yanagisawa1, Takashi Fujimoto2, Kazuhiro Kitamura3 (1.Mari. Tech. Depa., NIT, Yuge Coll., 2.Elec. Mech. Engi. Depa., NIT, Yuge Coll., 3.Tech. Educ. Depa., Aichi Univ. of Educ.)

Keywords:Magnetic-induced dielectric constant, Multiferroic, 0.7BaTiO3-0.3Pr0.65Ca0.35MnO3 core-shell

Core-shell structure of 0.7BaTiO3-0.3Pr0.65Ca0.35MnO3 was synthesis by chemical method and characterized by XRD, SEM and, EDS. Peak of temperature dependence of electrostatic capacity near RT shifts higher temperature and higter value in worming run with magnetic field 280 mT. This phenomenon is reversible with magnetic field. BaTiO3 and Pr0.65Ca0.35MnO3 do not show this phenomenon. We conclude this phenomenon comes from the multiferroic effect.