


12 有機分子・バイオエレクトロニクス » 12.7 医用工学・バイオチップ

[19a-F306-1~12] 12.7 医用工学・バイオチップ

2018年3月19日(月) 09:00 〜 12:15 F306 (61-306)

高橋 一浩(豊橋技科大)、加治佐 平(PROVIGATE)

09:00 〜 09:15

[19a-F306-1] Filter-free fluorescence analysis system

〇(PC)Yongjoon Choi1,2、Kazuhiro Takahashi1,2、Tatsuya Iwata1,2、Kazuaki Sawada1,2 (1.Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.、2.EIIRIS)

キーワード:filter-free, fluorescence, biosensor

Fluorescence detections have been widely used in organic,inorganic and biochemistry.At the same time, on-chip measurements of fluorescence are required for field diagnosis and point of care testing systems, which requires the development of miniature fluorescence detection devices. We have previously developed filter-free fluorescence sensor with a photo-gate structure without filters by considering the depth of the light absorption in the silicon. In this paper, we propose a filter-free fluorescence analysis system integrated with microfluidics device. The FITC and TexasRed was detectable up to a concentration of 0.01 μM. It was also confirmed that separation of each fluorescent component was possible for the mixed fluorescent beads. based on these results, future research will be expected to be applied to living body observation of cells by using a filter free fluorescence analysis system.