


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.8 光計測技術・機器

[20a-P2-1~17] 3.8 光計測技術・機器

2018年3月20日(火) 09:30 〜 11:30 P2 (ベルサール高田馬場)

09:30 〜 11:30

[20a-P2-12] Waveguide losses and Mirror losses in Si Optical Slab Waveguide

〇(D)wildan panji tresna1,2、Takuma Ichikawa1、Takeo Maruyama1 (1.Kanazawa Univ.、2.Indonesian Inst. of Sciences)

キーワード:Slab waveguide, mirror losses, experimental

Enhanced analysis is performed to design a Si optical slab waveguide that optimum the optical power. A slab waveguide is a simple optical component which has many advantages, such as lower losses than the other type of waveguide. Light in the slab waveguide can propagate by ignoring scattering phenomena and be used in high power like a free space.