


6 薄膜・表面 » 6.1 強誘電体薄膜

[10a-PA3-1~10] 6.1 強誘電体薄膜

2019年3月10日(日) 09:30 〜 11:30 PA3 (屋内運動場)

09:30 〜 11:30

[10a-PA3-6] Lattice mismatch effect on biaxial strain exerted on epitaxially-grown BiFeO3

永沼 博5、In-Tae Bae1,2、安井 伸太郎3、伊藤 満3、白石 貴久4、木口 賢紀4、一ノ瀬 智浩5 (1.ニューヨーク州立大学S3IP、2.ニューヨーク州立大学、3.東工大フロンティア、4.東北大金研、5.東北大工)


Lattice mismatch-induced biaxial strain effect on the crystal structure and growth mechanism have been investigated. [Fig. 1] [1-3] for the BiFeO3 thin films grown on La0.6Sr0.4MnO3/SrTiO3 and YAlO3 substrates. Nano-beam electron diffraction (NBED), structure factor calculation and X-ray reciprocal space mapping (XRSM) unambiguously confirm that the crystal structure within both of the BiFeO3 thin films is rhombohedral by showing the rhombohedral signature Bragg’s reflections. Further investigation with atomic resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy reveals that while the ~1.0% of the lattice mismatch found in the BiFeO3 grown on La0.6Sr0.4MnO3/SrTiO3 is exerted as biaxial in-plane compressive strain with atomistically coherent interface, the ~6.8% of the lattice mismatch found in the BiFeO3 grown on YAlO3 turns out to be relaxed at the interface by introducing dislocations. The present result demonstrates the importance of: (1) identifying the epitaxial relationship between BFO and its substrate material to quantitatively evaluate the amount of the lattice strain within BFO and (2) the atomistically coherent BFO/substrate interface for the lattice mismatch to exert the lattice strain.