


コードシェアセッション » 【CS.7】7.4 量子ビーム界面構造計測、9.5 新機能材料・新物性のコードシェアセッション

[10a-S423-1~11] CS.7 7.4 量子ビーム界面構造計測、9.5 新機能材料・新物性のコードシェアセッション

2019年3月10日(日) 09:00 〜 12:00 S423 (S423)

清水 智弘(関西大)、白澤 徹郎(産総研)

11:30 〜 11:45

[10a-S423-10] Characteristic Properties of Macrocyclic Functional Hydrogels for Selective Heavy Metal Adsorption

〇(DC)Brian Adala Omondi1、Hirotaka Okabe1、Yoshiki Hidaka1、Kazuhiro Hara1 (1.Kyushu Univ.)

キーワード:Hydrogels, selective adsorption, gamma radiation synthesis

Macrocyclic rings are an exciting functional group that enables synergetic host-guest capture and entrapment of substrates wthin its ring cavity. Our work explores the synthesis and infusion of these rings into hydrogel network using gamma radiation and chemical methods, for application in selective capture of metal ions. Selectivity is critical in both removal and/or recovery of target pollutant metal excisting in high shielded/competitive environment, such as radiocesium contamination on sea water. Using various spectroscopy tecnhiques, we also explore both intrinsic and extrinsic properties of these macrocyclic hydrogel types.