


シンポジウム » ナノバイオ分野での実験と計算の連携・融合:脂質膜と膜タンパク質

[11p-M121-1~10] ナノバイオ分野での実験と計算の連携・融合:脂質膜と膜タンパク質

2019年3月11日(月) 13:30 〜 17:45 M121 (H121)

手老 龍吾(豊橋技科大)、望月 祐志(立教大)

15:00 〜 15:15

[11p-M121-4] 膜融合の直接可視化

山田 雅人1、〇渡邉 力也2 (1.東大 工、2.理研 CPR)


Membrane vesicles mediate various physiological functions upon fusion with biological membranes. Despite the physiological importance, biophysical features of membrane fusion remain elusive due to the technical difficulties to quantitatively measure fusion events in high throughput manner. To address this issue, we here attempted to elucidate various biophysical features of membrane fusion by developing a novel microsystem, enabling single particle analysis of membrane fusion in quantitative manner.