17:15 〜 17:45
▲ [11p-W934-8] Electron microscopy of samples in liquid and ice, and correlated Helium ion microscopy
キーワード:cryo electronmicroscopy, Atmospheric scanning electron microscopy, Helium ion microscopy
We have directly observed cells and target molecules in hydrophilic conditions, by using a cryo-TEM and SEM. By using cryo-TEM, we have determined the conformation of receptors and ion channels in thin ice under vacuum. For the observation in water, SEM system was improved to develop the atomospheric SEM (ASEM). ASEM allows us to observe samples within 2-3 μm in depth. The resolution near SiN film was 8 nm. We directly observed fixed cells and tissues in aqueous liquid by ASEM, and performed correlative electron-helium ion microscopy of gold labeled cells in vacuum using high resolution Helium ion microscope. Membrane raft and cytoskeletons were successfully observed. We are aiming further understandings of targets using correlative electron-helium ion microscopies.