


10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス » 10.2 スピン基盤技術・萌芽的デバイス技術

[10a-Z08-1~10] 10.2 スピン基盤技術・萌芽的デバイス技術

2020年9月10日(木) 08:45 〜 11:30 Z08

関 剛斎(東北大)、谷口 知大(産総研)

09:30 〜 09:45

[10a-Z08-4] L12規則型 -Mn3Ir/Fe20Ni80二層膜における磁気ダンピングの増大

小林 裕太1、池渕 徹也1、岩城 宏侑1、塩田 陽一1、小野 輝男1、森山 貴広1 (1.京大小野研)

キーワード:カイラル, 反強磁性体, スピントルク強磁性共鳴

The L12-ordered Mn3Ir is among the Mn3X family (X = Sn, Ge, Ga, Ir, Pt, Rh) which give rise to a large anomalous Hall effect (AHE) due to the Berry phase constituted by the chiral spin structure. In this work, we explore the spin transport properties of the L12-ordered Mn3Ir films and disordered ones by the spin pumping experiments. Since the chiral spin structure is associated with the L12-ordering in this material, one may expect a modification of spin transport properties by the chiral spin structure as it forms the L12-order.
Multilayer of Mn3Ir/Ti/Fe20Ni80/SiO2 were deposited on a MgO (001) substrate by magnetron sputtering with substrate temperatures Ts = 200 and 700℃. Crystal ordering and orientation of the Mn3Ir were characterized by X-ray diffraction. The (001) and (003) superlattice peaks evidence that the L12-ordered Mn3Ir is formed at Ts = 700℃. The crystallinity as well as the chemical order parameter S were characterized. The spin dissipation properties in the Mn3Ir was characterized by the ferromagnetic resonance measurement. In the framework of the spin pumping effect, the spin dissipation property of the Mn3Ir layer can be characterized by looking at the Gilbert damping enhancement of the Fe20Ni80. It is found that the Gilbert damping constant α increases in the sample with Ts = 700℃ comparing with that with Ts = 200℃. This result may suggest that chiral spin structure can increase the spin dissipation. In the presentation, we will discuss the detailed relation between α and S.