9:30 AM - 9:45 AM
[10a-Z22-3] Development of east asian joint research based on sakura science practice
Keywords:joint study, education
Our commitment for Sakura Science Plan (SSP) is done since the year 2014, when the project was founded. We have invited more than 100 ambitious students, majority of which is from China, Indonesia, Philippine, and Vietnam.
Since the invited students are only allowed to come to our university as SSP participants only once, it requires another devise plan. Then we applied for e-ASIA Joint Research Program; "e-ASIA JRP"
eAsia is a project for more than three Asian countries including Japan to conduct joint studies with budget funded by public funding institutions. This is one of the cases that conducting a full-scale international joint study through the activities based on SSP. The research project has just started. However, we would like to report this attempt as a model for a development of international joint study project.
Since the invited students are only allowed to come to our university as SSP participants only once, it requires another devise plan. Then we applied for e-ASIA Joint Research Program; "e-ASIA JRP"
eAsia is a project for more than three Asian countries including Japan to conduct joint studies with budget funded by public funding institutions. This is one of the cases that conducting a full-scale international joint study through the activities based on SSP. The research project has just started. However, we would like to report this attempt as a model for a development of international joint study project.