


10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス » 10.3 スピンデバイス・磁気メモリ・ストレージ技術

[10p-Z08-11~17] 10.3 スピンデバイス・磁気メモリ・ストレージ技術

2020年9月10日(木) 16:00 〜 18:00 Z08

飯浜 賢志(東北大)

16:45 〜 17:00

[10p-Z08-13] Spin-orbit-torque induced magnetization switching for an ultra-thin MnGa/Co2MnSi bilayer

Kohey Jono1、Fumiaki Shimohashi1、Michihiko Yamanouchi2、Tetsuya Uemura1 (1.IST, Hokkaido Univ.、2.RIES, Hokkaido Univ.)

キーワード:spintronics, spin orbit torque

A MnGa/Co2MnSi bilayer is expected to be a promising ferromagnetic electrode for a perpendicular magnetic tunnel junction (p-MTJ) with high tunnel magnetoresistance and high thermal stability due to the half-metallic nature of Co2MnSi (CMS) and relatively large perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) of MnGa. Although a p-MTJ with MnGa/CMS electrodes has been demonstrated, the thickness of MnGa was larger than 10 nm, which is not applicable to the spin-transfer-torque induced or spin-orbit-torque (SOT) induced magnetization switching. In this study, we clarified the magnetic properties and SOTswitching characteristics for an ultra-thin MnGa/CMS bilayer.