


6 薄膜・表面 » 6.6 プローブ顕微鏡

[11a-Z06-1~12] 6.6 プローブ顕微鏡

2020年9月11日(金) 08:30 〜 11:30 Z06

藤井 慎太郎(東工大)

11:00 〜 11:15

[11a-Z06-11] Nanoscale phase transition of Ge2Sb2Te5 induced by locally enhanced laser fields at a tunnel junction

〇(M2)DANGIL KIM1、Kanta Asakawa1,2、Shotaro Yaguchi1、Mikito Tsujii1、Keisuke Kaneshima1、Katsumasa Yoshioka1、Yusuke Arashida3、Shoji Yoshida3、Hidemi Shigekawa3、Masashi Kuwahara4、Ikufumi Katayama1、Jun Takeda1 (1.Yokohama Natl. Univ.、2.Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology、3.Tsukuba Univ.、4.AIST)

キーワード:phase change material, scanning tunneling microscopy

Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST), a representative phase change material (PCM) has been extensively investigated as a promising candidate for next-generation data storage and processing devices, because of its outstanding processing performance and durability. It has been reported that the irradiation of the femtosecond laser pulses on GST induces the ultrafast amorphization, where the flipping of Ge atom takes place from the octahedral to the tetrahedral symmetry site. By utilizing a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) coupled with femtosecond laser pulses, we demonstrate that nanometer-scale amorphous marks can be induced by locally enhanced laser fields at a tunnel junction.