


9 応用物性 » 9.2 ナノ粒子・ナノワイヤ・ナノシート

[11a-Z26-1~13] 9.2 ナノ粒子・ナノワイヤ・ナノシート

2020年9月11日(金) 08:30 〜 12:00 Z26

長島 一樹(東大)、石川 史太郎(愛媛大)

10:15 〜 10:30

[11a-Z26-7] Synthesis of MoO3 belts by a thermal evaporation method

〇(D)Ngo Minh Chu1、Nguyen Duy Hieu1、Thi Mai Dung Do1、Tadachika Nakayama1、Koichi Niihara1、Hisayuki Suematsu1 (1.Nagaoka University of Technology)

キーワード:MoO3 belts, thermal vaporation

MoO3 is one of the transition metal oxides, and its one dimension structure has been recognized to be a promising material for many applications including, catalysis, electronics devices, optical-display devices, chemical synthesis, and battery application. In this presented work, a large-scale of MoO3 belts was synthesized at different temperatures from 800-1050 oC by using a tube furnace, MoO3 belts were deposited inside the tube on the surface of the inner tube-wall. The belts were shown with a good agreement with the highly aligned α-MoO3 crystals (ICDD #000050508). Each sample was observed by a field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). In comparing with previous studies, this experiment is considered as a simple method to synthesize MoO3 belts with a large amount. The belts were formed under a vapor-solid mechanism. At the first step, the MoO3 at above oC was evaporated; by controlling the flowing gas in the furnace, the vapor moved to a lower temperature area then stared depositing on the tube-wall. At a fixed point on the tube, MoO3 belts were formed and collected. It is assumed that by varying the flowing gas and the temperature, the size and quantity of belts could be controlled.