3:30 PM - 3:45 PM
[11p-Z11-10] Effect of A site cations on Sn vacancy in Sn perovskite
Keywords:perovskite solar cell, first-principles calculation
Defects in Sn perovskites are considered to be the cause of the low photoelectric conversion efficiency. In this study, we investigated the effect of A-site ions on Sn vacancy in Sn perovskites using first-principles calculations. Comparing the anti-bonding of MASnI3, FASnI3, and EASnI3, it was observed that the Sn-I anti-bonding component is the largest in FASnI3, and that is the smallest in EASnI3. The result that the anti-bonding property is weakened in the case of EASnI3, which is the largest in the organic molecules, is considered to work toward the stabilization of the structure, and seems to agree with the experimental result.