9:45 AM - 10:00 AM
△ [8a-Z07-3] Ferromagnetism and magnetotransport properties of Pb doped SrRuO3 thin films
Keywords:oxide thin film, perovskite, ferromagnetism
It is well known that chemical substitution into the A-site of itinerant ferromagnet SrRuO3 results in a drastic change on its magnetic properties. The ferromagnetic transition temperature has been considered to be strongly correlated with lattice constants and volume. However, previous reports with bulk polycrystalline samples revealed that the scenario was not that simple. When the dopant is Ba2+, whose ion radius is larger than Sr2+, the system sustains ferromagnetism regardless of the doping level. On the other hand, in case of Pb2+, it was reported that the ferromagnetism vanished when doping level was around 60% although its ion radius is between those of Sr2+ and Ba2+. In this research, we fabricate Pb doped SrRuO3 single crystalline thin films and evaluate the evolution of ferromagnetism and magnetotransport properties in accordance with the doping level.