


CS コードシェアセッション » 【CS.4】 4.5 Nanocarbon and 2D Materialsと17 ナノカーボンのコードシェアセッション

[8a-Z23-1~10] 【CS.4】 4.5 Nanocarbon and 2D Materialsと17 ナノカーボンのコードシェアセッション

2020年9月8日(火) 09:00 〜 12:30 Z23

松田 一成(京大)

10:00 〜 10:15

[8a-Z23-4] Imaging of Sub-nanometer Strain Variations in Monolayer Defect-Free Graphene using Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

〇(PC)Maria Balois1、Norihiko Hayazawa1,2,3、Satoshi Yasuda4、Katsuyoshi Ikeda5、Bo Yang2、Emiko Kazuma2、Yasuyuki Yokota2、Yousoo Kim2、Takuo Tanaka1,3,6 (1.Photon Team, RIKEN、2.SISL, RIKEN、3.NIP, Univ. of Phils.、4.JAEA、5.Nagoya Inst. of Tech、6.Mets Lab, RIKEN)

キーワード:graphene, Raman spectroscopy, strain

Strain changes the electronic properties of graphene and even nanoscale strain variations can affect the maximum carrier mobility in high quality graphene. Nanoscale strain variations, however, cannot be directly imaged due to the diffraction limit. In our work, we are able to image nano-sized strain domains in defect-free graphene using our STM-TERS system in ambient with sub-nanometer resolution. We are also able to characterize what kind of strain is present and if there are effects of doping due to the Au(111) single crystal substrate. This work will help pave the way for nanoscale strain characterization in graphene and other two-dimensional materials.