


4 JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2020 » 4.2 Photonics Devices, Photonic Integrated Circuit and Silicon Photonics

[9a-Z23-1~6] 4.2 Photonics Devices, Photonic Integrated Circuit and Silicon Photonics

2020年9月9日(水) 10:00 〜 12:00 Z23

岩本 敏(東大)、西山 伸彦(東工大)

11:00 〜 11:15

[9a-Z23-4] Emergence of topological features in a periodic lattice operating at C-band

〇(D)Sayan Bhattacherjee1、Somnath Ghosh1 (1.IIT Jodhpur)

キーワード:Topological Photonics, Non-trivial lattice

We propose the existence of a non-trivial topology in a periodic lattice working at C-band. It can be predicted that a topologically protected state would be supported at the junction of a hybrid lattice comprising of these two trivial and non-trivial lattices.