


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.1 光学基礎・光学新領域

[9p-Z17-1~22] 3.1 光学基礎・光学新領域

2020年9月9日(水) 13:00 〜 19:45 Z17

田口 敦清(北大)、居波 渉(静大)、山中 真仁(名大)、杉田 篤史(静大)

14:15 〜 14:30

[9p-Z17-4] Terahertz Magneto-Spectroscopy Mapping of the Low-Temperature Phase Transition of ErxY1-xFeO3

〇(D)Nicolas Marquez Peraca1、Xinwei Li1、Motoaki Bamba2,3、Chien-Lung Huang1、Xiaoxuan Ma4、Takuma Makihara1、Emilia Morosan1、Shixun Cao4、Junichiro Kono1 (1.Rice University、2.Kyoto University、3.PRESTO、4.Shanghai University)

キーワード:ultrastrong, terahertz, orthoferrites

In this work, we have studied the low temperature properties of the rare-earth orthoferrite ErxY1-xFeO3 using terahertz (THz) time-domain magnetospectroscopy. Comparison of the theoretical predictions with actual observations revealed that the phase transition this material exhibits can be modeled using an extended Dicke Hamiltonian that incorporates short-range Er-Er exchange interactions, broadening our understanding of the role of cooperative effects in the superradiant phase transition.