


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.9 テラヘルツ全般

[12a-B414-1~10] 3.9 テラヘルツ全般

2020年3月12日(木) 09:00 〜 11:45 B414 (2-414)

諸橋 功(情通機構)、瀧田 佑馬(理研)

10:00 〜 10:15

[12a-B414-5] Simplification in Device Structure and Fabrication Process of RTD THz oscillator

Mai Van Ta1、Suzuki Yusei1、Suzuki Safumi1、Asada Masahiro1 (1.TokyoTech)

キーワード:resonant tunneling diode, terahertz device, slot antenna

Resonant tunneling diode (RTD) oscillators are good candidate for THz light source. However, the device structure and fabrication process of conventional RTD oscillator are relatively complicated. In this work, a novel structure of THz RTD oscillator with a simple fabrication process is proposed. By eliminating the MIM capacitor from the conventional device, the device structure is obviously simplified. The operation of the proposed structure is briefly explained using an equivalent circuit, and the fabrication process of the structure is also described. Comparing to previous fabrication process of conventional RTD oscillators, dramatic simplification is clearly seen. We successfully fabricated single RTD oscillators with oscillation frequencies up to 235 GHz, validating the operation of the proposed device structure and fabrication process. The oscillation frequency was relatively low because the RTD capacitance became very large due to large RTD area. A higher frequency oscillation is possible with small RTD area.