


13 半導体 » 13.1 Si系基礎物性・表面界面・シミュレーション

[12p-A202-1~13] 13.1 Si系基礎物性・表面界面・シミュレーション

2020年3月12日(木) 13:15 〜 16:45 A202 (6-202)

森 伸也(阪大)、蓮沼 隆(筑波大)

16:15 〜 16:30

[12p-A202-12] A New Unidentified Phonon State in SiGe Alloys Reproduced by Molecular Dynamics Simulation

〇(D)Sylvia YukYee Chung1、Motohiro Tomita1,2、Ryo Yokogawa3,4、Atsushi Ogura3、Takanobu Watanabe1,2 (1.Waseda University、2.Org. Univ. Res. Init、3.Meiji University、4.JSPS Res. Fellow DC)

キーワード:silicon germanium, molecular dynamics, phonon dispersion relation

Molecular dynamics was applied to bulk SiGe alloy and compounds in order to investigate the phonon dispersion relations. The mass difference and potential difference was tested for a range of structures. Phonon modes for the Si-Si, Si-Ge and Ge-Ge bonds appeared, but an additional phonon mode appeared within the low energy region. With a group velocity assumed to be zero, questions of the origins of such a mode has been raised.