5:30 PM - 5:45 PM
[12p-A501-16] How Should We Derive the Noise Spectrum from Multiple Spin-Echo Decays?
Keywords:coherence, noise spectrum, GaAs
It is well known that, in addition to enhancing the coherence time, applying multiple π-pulses works to obtain the decoherence noise spectra. In these studies, however, some report the usual 1/fnoise, but others 1/f3spectra, resulting in a controversial situation. Moreover, very little has been discussed on how to deduce the spectral intensities from their raw data: the multiple-echo decay. In this paper, we show that two theories solve these issues and that the method is free from experimental artifacts. As a result, we found that, for 75As nuclear spins in GaAs, the noise spectrum exhibits neither the usual 1/f noise nor the 1/f3with no physical pictures, but a Loerntzian 1/f2spectrum at 297 K. This indicates that the noise is ascribed to the fluctuation of dipole moment of the nearest neighboring As nuclear spins.