4:45 PM - 5:00 PM
△ [12p-B508-13] Fabrication of Annealed Proton-Excahnged Waveguide in Periodically-Poled MgO:s-LiTaO3 for High Power Second Harmonic Generation
Keywords:ferroelectrics, wavelength conversion, waveguide
In recent years, a 1 W class ultraviolet laser for application for a laser direct writing system has been required, and third harmonic light with wavelength of 350 nm such as Nd: YAG laser is considered to use. MgO:s-LiTaO3 is an attractive material for the above application, and by increasing the waveguide mode size to 30 µm, strong excitation in the 10 W class is possible, and high output can be expected. In this work, an annealed proton-exchanged waveguide with a large waveguide mode size in MgO:s-LiTaO3 was fabricated.