


9 応用物性 » 9.3 ナノエレクトロニクス

[12p-D311-1~7] 9.3 ナノエレクトロニクス

2020年3月12日(木) 13:30 〜 16:00 D311 (11-311)

西口 克彦(NTT)、内藤 泰久(産総研)

15:30 〜 15:45

[12p-D311-6] Heteroepitaxial spherical (HS-) Au/Pt nanogap electrodes with top-radii below 5 nm by ELGP

〇(M1C)Ruicong Yu1、Ryo Toyama1、Phan Trong Tue1、Yutaka Majima1 (1.Tokyo Tech MSL)

キーワード:nanogap electrodes, electroless Au plating, gate capacitance

Reduction in top-radii of nanogap electrodes is the key issue to clearly observe operations of molecular transistor and single-electron transistor (SET). Recently, we have reported Pt-based nanogap electrodes with 10 nm scale in ultrafine linewidth, which shows the robust thermal stability in comparison with Au-based nanogap electrodes. We have also developed the electroless Au-plating (ELGP) method to fabricate the heteroepitaxial spherical (HS-) Au/Pt nanogap electrodes with top-radii of 5 nm, which is 4-times smaller than those of the ELGP Au-based (Au/Au) nanogap electrodes. Here, we demonstrate HS-Au/Pt nanogap electrodes with top-radii below 5 nm.