16:00 〜 18:00
[12p-PA6-14] Effects of non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma on iPS cell differentiation
キーワード:plasma biology, iPS cells, Non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma
Non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma generates active species such as radicals, ions, and electrons. Plasma irradiation has been used for biological applications, including the selective killing of cells and enhancement of plant growth. Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) can differentiate into any types of cells while infinitely proliferate in vitro. Because of these distinct abilities, their application in regenerative medicine, drug discovery, and human developmental biology has been heavily investigated. Given plasma affects a broad range of biological events, it may also enhance differenciation or proliferation of hiPSCs. In this research, hiPSs were treated with dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) air plasma (9 kV, 12.5 kHz) to gain insights into plasma applications. Our preliminary resutls suggest that the differentiation pattern of the irradiated cells seems different depending on the plasma irradiation condition used.This work is in part supported by Plasma-bio consortium (Grant Number 01221908).