


10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス » 10.3 スピンデバイス・磁気メモリ・ストレージ技術

[13a-A501-1~8] 10.3 スピンデバイス・磁気メモリ・ストレージ技術

2020年3月13日(金) 10:00 〜 12:00 A501 (6-501)

山本 竜也(産総研)

10:45 〜 11:00

[13a-A501-4] Low power magnetization switching using enhancement of magnetic anisotropy with short-voltage-pulse application

Rie Matsumoto1、Hiroshi Imamura1 (1.AIST)

キーワード:magnetization switching, magnetic anisotropy, MRAM

Low-power-consumption switching is a key requirement for MRAMs. We propose a low power magnetization switching scheme based on the voltage control of magnetic anisotropy (VCMA). In contrast to the conventional switching scheme using VCMA, where the magnetic anisotropy (MA) is eliminated during the voltage pulse duration (tp), the MA is enhanced to induce precession around an almost perpendicular axis. We showed that tp can be reduced down to a few tens of pico seconds without deteriorating thermal stability. Such a short tp is beneficial for the reduction of energy loss by Joule heating.