


シンポジウム » 先端イオン顕微鏡技術の近年の進捗:ナノ材料・デバイスへの展開

[13p-A303-1~9] 先端イオン顕微鏡技術の近年の進捗:ナノ材料・デバイスへの展開

2020年3月13日(金) 13:30 〜 17:15 A303 (6-303)

米谷 玲皇(東大)、小川 真一(産総研)

14:00 〜 14:30

[13p-A303-2] Large scale integrated superconducting Josephson circuits fabricated with focused helium Ion irradiation.

Shane Andrew Cybart1、Jay C. LeFebvre1 (1.UC Riverside)

キーワード:superconductor, helium ion micrscope, electronics

We have fabricated a variety of high-transition temperature superconducting (HTS) Josephson devices with properties that exceed prior-art devices using a focused helium ion beam (FHIB). These FHIB Josephson junctions have exceptional qualities such as resistance greater than 1k ohms as well as superconducting quantum interference devices with voltage close to 1 mV. These high figures of merit make HTS devices appealing for many applications. Unfortunately, these demonstrations are small scale devices with few junctions contained in small 100 micron areas due to the field of view of the FHIB at high resolution. To bring this technology to the next level, innovations are needed for large area patterning such as those implemented in commercial electron beam lithography equipment. We present our efforts in bringing this to fruition using our Orion plus microscope equipped with a Raith ELPHY pattern generator system.