


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.9 テラヘルツ全般

[13p-B508-1~21] 3.9 テラヘルツ全般

2020年3月13日(金) 13:15 〜 19:00 B508 (2-508)

坪内 雅明(量研機構)、永井 正也(阪大)、南 康夫(徳島大)

14:45 〜 15:00

[13p-B508-7] Capacitive-mediated strong coupling in terahertz plasmonic metafilms

Riad Yahiaoui1、Zizwe Chase1、Chan Kyaw1、G. Tim Noe2、Andrey Baydin2、FuYang Tay2、Jared Strait3、Junyeob Sun3、Jun Kono2、Amit Argawal3、〇Thomas A Searles1 (1.Howard Univ., USA、2.Rice Univ., USA、3.NIST, USA)

キーワード:strong coupling, light-matter interaciton, terahertz

We report terahertz metafilms designed to strongly couple hybridized lattice and fundamental dipole modes to form polaritons. By altering the metafilms’ capacitance, the coupling strength of the dipole-lattice coupling is tuned from weak to strong.