11:45 AM - 12:00 PM
▼ [14a-A501-11] Thermal detection of spin anomalous Hall effect using spin Peltier effect
Keywords:spin anomalous Hall effect, spin Peltier effect, thermoreflectance
The spin anomalous Hall effect (SAHE) has attracted attention because of its high charge-to-spin conversion efficiency. We measured SAHE through the spin Peltier effect (SPE), which is referred to as the spin-to-heat conversion phenomenon and excited by SAHE-induced spin current, in ferromagnetic metal/ferrimagnetic insulator systems. Since the anomalous Ettingshausen effect (AEE), which is the charge-to-heat conversion phenomenon with the similar symmetry to SPE, is also generated in ferromagnetic metals, the charge-current-induced temperature changes include both SPE and AEE contributions. To separate them, we applied the frequency-domain lock-in thermoreflectance method (LITR), which can measure the temperature change induced by the AC charge current as the change of the reflectivity, to the measurement of the temperature change because the temperature modulation magnitude due to SPE and AEE show the different frequency responses. We confirmed the frequency dependence of the temperature amplitude and the amplitude showed the attenuation due to SPE as the frequency increased. It indicates that the SAHE contribution to SPE is dominant in the system and SAHE is detectable by our method.