


8 プラズマエレクトロニクス » 8.6 Plasma Electronics English Session

[14a-D311-6~11] 8.6 Plasma Electronics English Session

2020年3月14日(土) 10:30 〜 12:00 D311 (11-311)

古閑 一憲(九大)

11:45 〜 12:00

[14a-D311-11] Detouring of microwaves through plasma-metamaterial layer

Chui Inami1、Bambina Alexandra1、Akinori Iwai1,2、Shigeyuki Miyagi1、〇Osamu Sakai1 (1.Univ. Shiga Pref.、2.Kyoto Univ.)

キーワード:plasma, metamaterial, microwave

A plasma metamaterial is a composite of plasma and solid metamaterials, exhibiting various extraordinary features in contrast to normal microwave media. One of the advantages in plasma metamaterials is tunability in their internal parameters, but for regulation of microwaves paths, spatial gradients of electron density and permittivity play significant roles. So far, microwave detouring or cloaking was achieved using solid-state metamaterials. In contrast, we have reported that, due to these gradients, compactness of the detouring layer is possible, which is a good technological merit. In this study, we show experimental results on flat propagation of microwaves without large wave scattering.