09:30 〜 11:30
▲ [14a-PB1-4] Fabrication of Amyloid Fibrils of Cytochrome c Disulfide Dimers by Optical Trapping
キーワード:Optical trapping, Amyloids, Morphology
Our group has successfully demonstrated optical trapping-induced amyloid fibril formation of a domain-swapped dimer of cytochrome c (cyt c). Optical trapping with a focused laser beam increases the local concentration of cyt c at the laser focus, where the conformation of cyt c is deformed, achieving nucleation of amyloid fibrils. Here, we apply this optical trapping method to various disulfide dimers of cyt c mutants (G45C, T58C, A83C, and E104C) to fabricate amyloid fibrils and discuss different morphologies of their amyloid fibrils, depending on the direction of laser polarization.