


シンポジウム » 低温(常温)接合界面及び薄膜成長界面ナノ・キベルネテス(舵手)

[14p-A201-1~8] 低温(常温)接合界面及び薄膜成長界面ナノ・キベルネテス(舵手)

2020年3月14日(土) 13:45 〜 17:20 A201 (6-201)

土屋 哲男(産総研)、喜多 隆(神戸大)

14:15 〜 14:30

[14p-A201-2] Bonded optical crystal amorphous layer crystallization under temperature annealing

〇(D)Arvydas Kausas1、Lihe Zheng1、Takunori Taira2 (1.IMS、2.RIKEN)

キーワード:surface activated bonding, laser crystals, TEM

In this work we are investigating the interface between two bonded optical crystals used for laser generation. Sapphire and Nd:YAG crystals were bonded by use of room-temperature surface activated bondig technology. The bonded interface was measured with TE microscope and EDX was used to invesitgate material composition of amorphouse layer. With the help of annealing the amorphous layer transformed into crystaline.