


8 プラズマエレクトロニクス » 8.5 プラズマ現象・新応用・融合分野

[15a-A304-1~10] 8.5 プラズマ現象・新応用・融合分野

2020年3月15日(日) 09:00 〜 11:45 A304 (6-304)

竹内 希(東工大)

10:00 〜 10:15

[15a-A304-5] Detection of Heavy Metals via Liquid Electrode Plasma at the Axial Direction

〇(D)YuehHan Huang2,1、MengJiy Wang2、Yuzuru Takamura1 (1.JAIST、2.NTUST)


Precise quantification of heavy metals is crucial to better control the pollutants and ensure the quality of human life. Nevertheless, the conventional spectroscopic methods such as inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) are mostly expensive, time consuming, and require professional operators, which increase the difficulty for the in-situ or real-time measurements. One of the solution to address the problems is by liquid electrode plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (LEP-AES) proposed by our group. LEP-AES is a microfluidic device with a narrow-center part where the liquid sample flows through continuously and the plasma is formed in the narrow channel when high-voltage DC pulse power is applied. The advantages of LEP include no requirement of gas, low cost, and less maintenance compared to conventional ICP-AES. Previous study on LEP revealed the spatial distribution of atomic emission along the narrow-center part. Conventionally, the emission spectra were recorded in radial direction at the center of narrow channel and thus the sensitivity was influenced due to the spatial distribution. In this study, a new LEP microchannel was proposed for the observation from the axial-direction of plasma to prevent the spatial distribution problem and enhance the sensitivity.