11:35 AM - 12:05 PM
[15a-B409-7] Understanding and overcoming the disturbance of light propagating living cells
Keywords:adaptive optics, live-cell imaging, disturbance of light
Fluorescence live-cell imaging is a powerful tool for life science, in which specific molecules or structures in living cells are labelled with fluorescent molecules and their dynamics are observed using fluorescence microscopes. However, the light using live-cell imaging is disturbed when it propagates through living cells and tissues. As a result, the images are degraded according to the depth observed inside the living tissue. In this talk, I will introduce our researches towards understanding the disturbance of light propagating living cells and correcting the disturbance with adaptive optics. We used the plant cells, where the disturbance of light is stronger than other types of cells. We analyzed the disturbance of light caused by structures in living plant cells, and designed the system of adaptive optics microscopy to correct the disturbance. Using the system, we successfully obtained high-resolution images inside living plant cells.