


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.16 Optics and Photonics English Session

[15p-B508-1~7] 3.16 Optics and Photonics English Session

2020年3月15日(日) 13:15 〜 15:00 B508 (2-508)

西山 伸彦(東工大)、宇高 勝之(早大)

13:30 〜 13:45

[15p-B508-2] Optimization and Experimental Demonstration of Compact and High-Sensitive Multi-Slotted Bragg grating Waveguide Sensor on SOI Platform

〇(D)Siim Heinsalu1、Yuji Isogai1、Hiroshi Ishikawa1、Yuichi Matsushima1、Katsuyuki Utaka1 (1.Waseda University)

キーワード:silicon photonics, sensor, Bragg grating

Bragg grating composed of sub-wavelength grating with multiple slot counts is set as sensor. With 3D simulations we compare parameter dependences and fabricate. Best case had record high sensitivity 831.1 nm/RIU and length 9.48 µm.