


2 放射線 » 2.2 放射線物理一般・放射線応用・発生装置・新技術

[10a-N206-1~10] 2.2 放射線物理一般・放射線応用・発生装置・新技術

2021年9月10日(金) 09:00 〜 11:45 N206 (口頭)

前畑 京介(帝京大)

11:30 〜 11:45

[10a-N206-10] Intraoperative PET Navigation System for Cancer Surgery

〇(M2)Xiaodong Yue1、Madhushanka Rukshani Liyanaarachchi2、Kenji Shimazoe1、Kenichiro Ogane3、Hiroyuki Takahashi1、Miwako Takahashi4、Etsuko Kobayashi1、Ichiro Sakuma1 (1.Univ. Tokyo、2.Univ. Moratuwa、3.Univ. Tokyo Hosp.、4.Nat. Inst. Radiological sciences)

キーワード:positron emission tomography, intraoperative, metastastic lymph node

In cancer surgery, the surgeons usually need to remove metastatic lymph nodes near the tumor to prevent a recurrence of cancer. However, it is difficult to locate metastatic lymph nodes during surgery. We are proposing a PET (positron emission tomography) navigation system for metastatic lymph node detection in cancer surgery. The system uses 18F-FDG (fluorodeoxyglucose), a positron emitter, as the radiotracer. As shown in Fig.1, this system uses a fixed detector and a movable detector with position marker to detect gamma ray photons from annihilation events. There is an optical tracking system to get the position of the movable detector. During the scan, the movable prove is moved near the volume of interest for several minutes, and then the data are processed to reconstruct a 3D image of radiotracer distribution. We built the detectors using GAGG scintillator crystal and checked the performance of the system in a phantom experiment.