


2 放射線 » 2.2 放射線物理一般・放射線応用・発生装置・新技術

[10a-N206-1~10] 2.2 放射線物理一般・放射線応用・発生装置・新技術

2021年9月10日(金) 09:00 〜 11:45 N206 (口頭)

前畑 京介(帝京大)

11:15 〜 11:30

[10a-N206-9] Development of electron-tracking Compton imaging system with SOI pixel sensor and GFAG-SiPM array

〇(M2)Lan Zhang1、Mizuki Uenomachi2、Kenji Shimazoe1、Hiroyuki Takahashi1、Ayaki Takeda3 (1.Tokyo Univ.、2.RIKEN、3.Miyazaki Univ.)

キーワード:Compton imaging, SOI, electron-tracking

Compton imaging is a traditional way to localize gamma sources based on the interaction of gamma rays followed by Compton scattering. Because of the lost of the information of the ejection directions of recoil electrons, signal-to-noise (SNR) and angular resolution are reduced by the influence of generated artifacts. Electron tracking based Compton imaging is a technique to improve the sensitivity of Compton cameras by measuring the direction of recoiled electrons. We have developed an electron-tracking Compton imaging system by using a combination of a trigger-mode silicon-on-insulator (SOI) pixel detector and a GFAG detector. The SOI sensor consists of 384 ×608 with 36 μm cells. The direction of recoil electrons caused by Compton scattering are detected on the SOI detector. In our experiment, the energy resolution and coincidence time resolution have been tested, which provide information for future electron-tracking Compton camera.