


CS コードシェアセッション » 【CS.6】 3.13 半導体光デバイス、4.2 Photonics Devices, Photonic Integrated Circuit and Silicon Photonicsのコードシェアセッション

[10a-N405-1~9] CS.6 3.13 半導体光デバイス、4.2 Photonics Devices, Photonic Integrated Circuit and Silicon Photonicsのコードシェアセッション

2021年9月10日(金) 09:00 〜 12:15 N405 (口頭)

荒川 太郎(横国大)、岩本 敏(東大)

11:15 〜 11:30

[10a-N405-6] Compact VCSEL beam scanner with large field of view and its 2D scanning function

〇(D)Ruixiao Li1、Xiaodong Gu1,2、Fumio Koyama1 (1.Tokyo Tech、2.Ambition Photonics)

キーワード:VCSELs, Beam scanner, Slow-light VCSELs

We realized the solid-state 1D-beam scanner with field of view of 56 deg. x 14 deg. and resolution points number of >1000 by using electrically-driven solid-state beam scanner and DOE. We also demonstrated 2D-beam scanning with field of view of 9 deg. x 6 deg. by integration of beam scanners array.