3:45 PM - 4:00 PM
[10p-N107-9] Generation of CEP-stable and intense mid-infrared pulses with a 10 kHz repetition rate
Keywords:Intense mid-infrared laser, Optical parametric amplifer, Carrier envelope phase stable
We developed an intense, CEP-stable ultrafast MIR light source, with a tunable wavelength in 3000-3500 nm region, that can be operated in a high repetition rate of 10 kHz. Intense pulse energy above 100 µJ generated by a KTA-based OPA allows for a pulse compression down to 35 fs at 3450nm wavelength, determined by the SHG-FROG measurement. Long-term CEP stability is confirmed by the f-to-2f interference measurement. The pulse properties do not change when the system is operated at higher repetition rate. This MIR light source with ultrafast pulse duration and high repetition rate will facilitate the precise investigation on the non-perturbative optical phenomena in solid-state materials.